About Dianne

Author Archive | Dianne

Worst Pills, Best Pills

Adverse drug reactions are the fourth leading cause of death for Americans, killing 100,000 people each year. What reforms are needed to safeguard consumers? Are more drug choices the answer? Are drug safety standards adequate? Has the FDA adequately evolved to meet its regulatory challenges?Spearheading advocacy in pharmaceutical policy, Dr. Sidney Wolfe has been Director of Public Citizen's Health Research Group since its creation in 1971. Hear his concerns about the safety of prescription [Read more]
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Are Happy Gut Bacteria Key to Weight Loss?

Imbalances in the microbial community in your intestines may lead to metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes. What does science say about how to reset our bodies? Read full article here:

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Testimonials from An Oasis of Healing

View this series of testimonials from cancer patients who have healed their cancer naturally at the Oasis of healing. The stories are compelling.

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What The Drug Companies Won’t Tell You

Dr. Murray highlights the not-so-hidden agenda of the drug companies and provides information that your doctor doesn’t know about popular drugs and natural products. Discover how natural products can help you improve bone health, hormone balance, mood, heart health and cholesterol, hair, skin and nails, blood sugar levels and weight management for a longer, healthier life.

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Mark Hyman at TEDMED

Dr. Mark Hyman believes that functional medicine is the way of the future, and that we can only improve medicine if we understand the body’s system, not just symptoms.

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How the Food Industry is Deceiving You

Peter Jennings explains how billions are dollars are spent on a system that is destroying your health.

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How Bacteria Talk

Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria “talk” to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry — and our understanding of ourselves.

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6 Reasons You Should Avoid Dairy

Got milk? Plenty of people think its perfectly healthy to drink, and advertisements would have you eating dairy all the time. But it may not be as healthy as you think. In this weeks UltraWellness blog Dr. Mark Hyman gives six reasons you should avoid milk and explains why it may be at the very root of your health problems.

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The Perils of Dairy

John McDougall MD discusses what dairy products have going for them. They are a great source of nutrition — for getting fat and growing tumors!

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In Defense of Food

"Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants." These words to live by from the award-winning author Michael Pollan resonate at the heart of his newest work, "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto." He considers what science does and does not know about diet and health, proposing a new way of thinking about food that is informed by ecology and tradition. Pollan is Knight Professor of Journalism at UC Berkeley [Read more]
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