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Vitamin K

"Dr. Bruce Ames, a biochemist who studies nutrition at the cellular level, provides evidence that illustrates how an individual is much more likely to have more rapid aging and the development of cancer with inadequate vitamin and mineral levels, even if she or he is okay short term. (Page 35 The Wahls Protocol) Vitamin K and Heart Health: "For example, when the supply of vitamin K is limited, your body will prioritize how to use the limited supply. It will make proteins that will clot your [Read more]

Minding Your Mitochondria

For 7 years, Dr. Terry Wahls got the best care and the newest drugs to treat her MS but she continued to get more disabled. She could only walk short distances using two canes. She was losing her keys, her phones, and having nightmares that her clinical privileges at the hospital where she worked would be taken away. Then she learned how to properly fuel her body. After 3 months of eating her new diet, she was able to walk short distances with only a cane. After 4 months, she no longer needed [Read more]
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